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Access to XMPie Campus is available for:

  • XMPie customers with a current Maintenance and Support Contract, or
  • XMPie Resellers and Channel Partners

If you are evaluating XMPie software products, please contact your XMPie Account Manager to request 30-days Campus access to assist with your evaluation.

XMPie Campus Website Cookies

This website uses cookies. We use cookies only to provide you with a better user experience. The cookies used are:

Cookie Expiry Purpose Policy
campusAuth Session (20 minutes) or 14 days if you select "remember me" at login Preserves user authentication state across different page requests. XMPie's Privacy Policy
campusAntiForgery Session (20 minutes) Used to prevent unauthorized form submissions from cross-site request forgery. XMPie's Privacy Policy
campus2fa.RememberMe 14 days Used when you select "remember this computer" when logging in with two-factor authentication. XMPie's Privacy Policy
campusLastSubmit 5 minutes Used to prevent forms from being accidentally submitted multiple times. XMPie's Privacy Policy
_GRECAPTCHA Session (20 minutes) This site is protected by Goolge Recaptcha. This cookie is used to perform risk analysis that is used to prevent non-human webform submission. Google's Privacy Policy