What's new in StoreFlow v8.2
StoreFlow 8.2 - Introduction
This is the first video in a series which demonstrates the new features and enhancements introduced in StoreFlow v8.2.
StoreFlow 8.2 - Grouped product properties
This video introduces new grouped product properties features for upload and composite products in StoreFlow v8.2
StoreFlow 8.2 - Enhanced order queue
This video demonstrates the new enhanced order queue management features introduced in StoreFlow v8.2.
StoreFlow 8.2 - File attachment property
In this video learn about the new File Attachment Product Property introduced in StoreFlow v8.2.
StoreFlow 8.2 - Enhancements to Excel pricing
This video demonstrates the additional functionality added to the Excel pricing feature in StoreFlow v8.2.
StoreFlow 8.2 - Copies per recipient
This video introduces the new copies per recipient feature introduced in StoreFlow v8.2.
StoreFlow 8.2 - Order approval threshold
This video demonstrates the new order approval threshold feature introduced in StoreFlow v8.2.
StoreFlow 8.2 - Presets and configurations
This video highlights some new presets and configuration options introduced in StoreFlow v8.2.