Campaigns on Demand

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Course Information


This e-Learning course introduces the concept of Campaign Templates and Instances in Circle v4 and later; and how to add a Circle Template into uStore so that customers can select, customize and order a full cross media campaign.


This course aims to build on top of the "Creating an Open XM (2G) Cross Media Campaign" course to take an existing campaign, convert it to a template and make the campaign available in uStore.


• PersonalEffect TransMedia or TransMedia Pro version 9.1 or later,
• Circle Administrator Account,
• uStore or StoreFlow, and
• basic understanding of Cross Media campaigns and eCommerce systems.

Recommended XMPie Version

v9 and later

Resource files for this course

Campaign Setup

Video Information

Campaigns on Demand
Campaigns on Demand Introduction
8m 10s
Recommended XMPie Version
v9.0 and later

This video introduces the concept of using Circle to create a cross media campaign as a template, and making the campaign available in uStore uStore for customers create, customize and buy instances of the campaign.


This video has been watched 397 times.

Downloads for this video

Transcript PDF
English English

Course outline

  Campaigns on Demand Introduction 8m 10s
  Campaign Setup 17m 38s
  uStore Setup 11m 21s
  Order handling 3m 22s
  Predefined Recipient list control 3m 29s