Cross media business integration

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Course Information


So, you've made the decision to invest in one of XMPie's PersonalEffect TransMedia solutions. How do you integrate multi-channel marketing services into your business?


This course is designed for business and marketing managers who are working to implement XMPie cross-media products into their organization.
The course includes the following modules:
• Introduction
• Commercialization
• Why market this way?
• Get engaged (with your customer)
• Whip it into shape
• Pricing and revenue
• Launch
• Where to now?
• Using the ROI Calculator



Recommended XMPie Version

PersonalEffect TransMedia or TransMedia Pro

Video Information

Cross media business integration
Introduction to cross media business integration
4m 52s
Recommended XMPie Version

In this module, we introduce our presenter Iris Stewart, Principal Consultant with Optimised Media Graphics, and get an understanding of what will be covered in the following modules.


This video has been watched 208 times.

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Course outline

  Introduction to cross media business integration 4m 52s
  Commercialization 18m 11s
  Why market this way? 22m 43s
  Customer engagement 32m 59s
  Whip into shape! 42m 53s
  Pricing and revenue 29m 30s
  Launch! 3m
  Where to now? 12m 22s
  Using the ROI Calculator 20m 57s