XMPie StoreFlow Training

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Course Information

StoreFlow is a powerful solution for creating eCommerce stores, or online portals for ordering print and other products. This e-Learning course is a series of online videos designed to help you get started with StoreFlow (including uStore and FreeFlow Core) and introduce the basics needed to get your stores setup quickly and easily.
Each video in this e-Learning course focusses on demonstrating and explaining a specific StoreFlow topic and is designed so you can skip to the topic you want. The course is broken into the following sections:
• Introduction/Welcome
• The customer experience
• Initial uStore admin settings
• Making changes to your stores
• Managing users and groups
• Creating and editing product groups
• Adding static products
• Creating and managing product Profiles
• Adding upload/composite products
• Creating Dynamic product templates
• Adding Dynamic products
• Creating and adding uEdit products
• Managing orders and reports
A subscription to StoreFlow Cloud Edition, or purchase of PersonalEffect StoreFlow or StoreFlow Pro.
Recommended XMPie Version

uStore v8.2; uCreate Print v7.2

Video Information

XMPie StoreFlow Training
Introduction to uStore NG Themes
6m 23s
Recommended XMPie Version
v17.2 and later

This module is an introduction to the new uStore NG themes introduced in uStore version 10.

Hi. Welcome to XMPie. 
This video introduces the uStore NG theme technology that is used to change the look and feel of your storefronts.
This introduction video will provide: A quick look at the default “AquaBlue” theme. 
A top-level preview of the different ways the theme can be customized.
I will introduce some key concepts and terminology. And discuss current limitations and future plans.
After watching this introduction video, you can jump into more specific topics in the following modules.
Let’s start with a look at the default theme.
On the home page, the header area includes a logo on the left, top level product groups, 
a product search box, and other functional icons on the right.
There is a promotional banner area. And then product groups. 
Below the product groups are featured or highlighted products. 
And a footer area at the bottom of the page.
The home page is fully responsive catering for tablet and mobile devices as well as desktop.
If you click to a product group, you will see any sub groups displayed at the top, and products in the selected group are shown at the bottom.
The product order pages will be slightly different depending on the type of product. 
This is a dynamic product using the new single page mode that features automatic preview refresh 
and both customization and property selections on the one page.
From the uStore back office perspective, when you create a new store, the store is automatically set to NG mode. 
While some existing customers who upgrade to newer uStore versions may still have some stores in Legacy mode 
that can be updated to use the new NG theme technology. 
On the Appearance tab you can select the Theme that will be used on the selected store. 
Out of the box, there is only one theme provided – XMPie AquaBlue. 
While there is only one default theme, it is easy to make customizations to the theme for different stores. 
In fact all these different stores are using the same AquaBlue theme.
Theme customizations are easily made via the uStore admin site, by selecting “customize theme” which opens the theme editor.
Here you can use simple controls to modify the theme for this individual store – changing the header size and color for example. 
And adding your logo.
The AquaBlue theme uses about 40 different CSS Variables 
which make it much easier to make global theme changes from store to store. 
You can find information about the available CSS Variables in the uStore-NG Theme Customization Guide.
For example, I could enter --text-color-heading: blue; 
After a moment, the editor will automatically save a draft and you can see the change in the preview.
For even more control, you can add custom CSS here overriding existing CSS classes.
In addition to these simple customizations, NG themes include several locations where widgets 
or small components can be added. 
Installing and using widgets is discussed in a later video.
These edits are in “draft” mode which can only be seen by the uStore administrator. 
When you are happy with your changes, you can publish the theme customizations to make them live on this store.
It is also possible to make more structural changes to the theme by creating new themes.
uStore admin’s presets area provides an option for you to download and upload themes. 
In general, a web developer would download the default AquaBlue theme and use React JS to make changes. 
For example, to add promotional areas into the design, or change the way the products are displayed. 
The new theme can be packaged and then uploaded to uStore like I have done to add this custom theme. 
There is more about this in a later video.
So, you will have noticed that we talk about themes now instead of skins. 
Themes refer to a skeleton or structural framework that is available server-wide and can be applied to one or more stores.
Each store on the server that is using uStore NG themes, can have theme customizations made via an easy-to-use theme editor 
making them appear significantly different to other stores using the same theme.
Themes can be downloaded from or uploaded to the server making it possible to modify or create new themes 
or transfer themes between different uStore servers.
When using the theme editor in the uStore admin back office, you must use the Chrome browser. 
No other browser is officially supported for the uStore admin back office.
Front end stores using the new theme technology support the latest modern browsers, including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
The uStore R&D team is working progressively to move all uStore pages from older .net code to the new React JS code. 
Today, these pages are fully migrated to the new theme technology.
Other pages in the storefront are referred to as hybrid - where older .net code is wrapped into a React JS page 
that provides only the header and footer areas.
XMPie intends to migrate other pages to the new theme technology as soon as possible 
and each new version includes additional pages or sections in the theme.
You can find documentation for the uStore NG Theme technology in the uStore NG Github Wiki at this URL.
There are several more videos following this introduction to dive deeper into uStore NG themes.
If you see only this introduction video, then you need to login to Campus to access the others


This video has been watched 1352 times.

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Course outline

Introduction / Welcome
  Welcome (watch me first!) 2m 53s
  What is Web-to-print? 3m 28s
  What's new in uStore v17? 6m 2s
  What's new in uStore v17.1 2m 52s
  What's new in uStore v17.2 6m 29s
Customer experience
  Introduction to the storefront 3m 2s
  Ordering static products 2m 45s
  Ordering dynamic products 3m 54s
  Ordering upload and composite products 5m 04s
  Shopping cart checkout 3m 22s
  My account 2m 29s
Initial uStore admin settings
  Setting the admin email sender address 1m 32s
  Enabling additional countries 1m 52s
  Adding additional currencies 2m 5s
  Clearing (payment) setup 3m 24s
  Configuring exchange rates 2m 4s
  Enabling another language 3m 41s
  Adding a new language 7m 6s
  Setting up delivery services (manual) 5m 41s
  Setting up FedEx delivery services 9m 39s
  Setting global product properties 1m 56s
  Creating a new store (hosted) 4m 53s
  Creating a new store (on premise) 4m 53s
Making changes to your stores
  Putting stores online and offline 1m 05s
  Store types 1m 54s
  User registration options 2m 59s
  Setting up LDAP registration 3m 07s
  Setting up Facebook registration 3m 43s
  Store branding / skinning (hosted) 15m 47s
  Store branding / skinning (on premise) 17m 34s
  Configuring an order approval process 4m 1s
  Editing message templates 8m 16s
  Creating custom Order Handling Statuses and Actions 13m 28s
uStore NG Themes
  Introduction to uStore NG Themes 6m 23s
  Customizing the Theme 7m 23s
  Setting up the development environment 9m 11s
  Adding HTML content to a Theme page 4m 4s
  Localizing Theme text 3m 49s
  Adding additional pages 6m 29s
  Accessing uStore data 5m 23s
  Publishing your new Theme 4m 23s
  Adding other React Packages 11m 3s
  Customizing the theme editor 11m 17s
  Upgrading custom themes 10m 31s
  Moving from legacy skins to NG themes 4m 44s
uStore Widgets
  Installing and using Widgets 3m 43s
Managing users and groups
  Creating and editing users 3m 27s
  Creating and editing user groups 4m 8s
  Controlling user access to different products 9m 15s
Creating and editing product groups
  Creating and editing product groups 3m
  Controlling user access to product groups 4m 56s
Adding static products
  Adding a new static product 3m 57s
  Editing products 1m 28s
  Configuring product properties 2m 58s
  Configuring product prices (Price calculator) 4m 44s
  Configuring delivery setup 1m 41s
  Configuring inventory setup 2m 11s
  Configuring prepress setup (hosted edition) 2m 2s
  Configuring prepress setup (on-site edition) 5m 26s
  PDF preflighting the File attachment dial 5m 49s
Creating and managing product profiles
  What are product profiles? 2m 6s
  Creating and editing product profiles 1m 46s
  Configuring product properties 2m 58s
  Configuring product prices (Price calculator) 4m 44s
  Configuring prepress setup (hosted edition) 2m 2s
  Configuring prepress setup (on-site edition) 5m 26s
  Applying product profiles to products 1m 20s
Adding upload/composite products
  Creating an upload product 2m 4s
  Creating a composite product 6m 51s
  Configuring composite product properties 3m 17s
  Configuring upload product prices (Price calculator) 5m 1s
  Configuring delivery setup 1m 41s
  Configuring prepress setup (hosted edition) 2m 2s
  Configuring prepress setup (on-site edition) 5m 26s
  Creating custom preview campaigns 1m 26s
Customizing the composite preview
  Introduction to upload and composite products in uStore 3m 52s
  Creating an upload product with the XMPie XLIM preview document 7m 56s
  Modifying the XMPie XLIM preview document to add new binding types 14m 12s
  Different languages with upload and composite product types 10m 49s
  Creating your own custom preview document 12m 39s
  Creating a fancy business card preview document 9m 17s
  Adding catalog documents 8m 44s
Creating dynamic product templates
  Reviewing the template and requirements 2m 33s
  Planning the data fields needed 3m 2s
  Gathering resources 2m 21s
  Linking data and design 4m 43s
  Tagging the document 8m 22s
  Using variables for logic 6m 56s
  Setting campaign dials (uStore) 1m 49s
  Preparing XLIM templates 3m 18s
  Save to uProduce 3m 10s
  Testing proof and production 4m 43s
Adding dynamic products
  Creating a dynamic product 1m 50s
  Configuring customization steps 9m 19s
  Prepopulating dial values 6m 8s
  HTML Generic dials 16m 3s
  Configuring recipient list options 3m 22s
  Configuring product properties 2m 58s
  Configuring product prices (Price calculator) 4m 44s
  Configuring delivery setup 1m 41s
  Configuring prepress setup (hosted edition) 2m 2s
  Configuring prepress setup (on-site edition) 5m 26s
  PDF preflighting the File attachment dial 5m 49s
  Increasing the dynamic document proof size 4m 28s
Creating and adding uEdit products
  What is uEdit? 1m 41s
  Requirements for a uEdit template 2m 13s
3D and packaging products
  Labels and packaging 3D product type overview 4m 19s
  Creating a die line and 3D model for a simple box product 11m 36s
  Creating an InDesign document for the 3D preview 4m 25s
  Creating the 3D product in uStore admin 6m 56s
  Advanced 3D Configuration 15m 35s
  Pricing 3D Products 5m 33s
  Dynamic 3D packaging product 6m 20s
  Using 3D preview for Iridesse metallic toners 13m 38s
  PDF preflighting the File attachment dial 5m 49s
  Creating a 3D model with Blender 17m 19s
Creating kit products
  Kit products overview 4m 15s
  Creating a Kit product 7m 20s
  Configuring kit quantity and pricing 8m 39s
  Discounting kit products 2m 45s
  Kit and component properties 2m 46s
  Adding dynamic products to an existing kit 12m 46s
  Updating custom themes 1m 35s
Using Excel Product Pricing
  Getting started with Excel Product Pricing 8m 7s
  Customizing the Excel Pricing Template 15m 27s
  Excel product pricing best practices 20m 1s
  Configuring product prices (Excel calculator) v13.2 - v14.1 12m 38s
  Configuring upload product prices (Excel calculator) v13.2 and later 10m 03s
Setting up Delivery
  Setting up delivery services (manual) 5m 41s
  Setting up FedEx delivery services 9m 39s
  Configuring delivery setup 1m 41s
Managing orders and reports
  Viewing order status (hosted) 4m 55s
  How do I get the print file? (hosted) 1m 21s
  Running reports 3m 40s
  Adding charts to Excel reports (hosted) 5m 9s
Advanced tips and tricks
  Color selector for dynamic products 13m 25s
  Adding a chat service to your theme 6m 15s
Liquid Layouts
  InDesign Liquid Layouts Overview 1m 58s
  Setting up a Liquid Layout document 7m 6s
  Creating the InDesign Script File 4m 8s
  Adding a Liquid Layout to uStore 3m 59s
  Validating user input and page size 5m 17s
  Pricing Liquid Layout Products 5m 20s
  Example 2: Dynamic Liquid Layout Poster Upload 4m 44s