PersonalEffect Print Training

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Course Information


When your VDP needs outgrow desktop solutions such as uDirect / uCreate Print, you need a powerful server-based print engine like PersonalEffect Print or PersonalEffect Print Pro. This course introduces the XMPie server-based PersonalEffect software that is the basis on which all XMPie server solutions are built.


To introduce and provide comprehensive training on the PersonalEffect uProduce server product which is key to many of XMPie's product lines.


• PersonalEffect v13.4 or later
• Adobe InDesign CC2024 or later
• Basic experience / knowedge of InDesign, data and VDP concepts

Recommended XMPie Version

v13.4 and later

Video Information

PersonalEffect Print Training
uProduce dashboard overview
5m 50s
Recommended XMPie Version
v13.4 and later

In this module we provide an overview of the uProduce dashboard and explain some terminogy and concepts that are important as you transition from desktop to server production.


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Course outline

Introduction / Welcome
  uProduce dashboard overview 5m 50s
  Working with the XMPie Server (Overview) 5m 38s
Using uCreate Print Connectivity
  Save to / Open from server (uProduce) 7m 44s
Using the uProduce Dashboard
  Import and export packages (Overview) 4m 34s
  Import and export in uCreate Print 3m 49s
  Import and export in uProduce 3m 54s
Working with XLIM
  Working with XLIM 7m 35s
Advanced operations
  Send an email on job completion 3m 24s
Liquid layouts
  Setting up a dynamic Liquid Layout document 5m 17s
  Liquid Layout document production 2m 30s
Hot folders
  Introduction to uProduce Hot Folders 4m 36s
  Creating and using a Hot Folder 4m 40s
  Developing a Hot Folder Plug-in 22m 58s