What's new in XVS v1.9.9?

[Date: 30 Jan 2025] [Product(s): uMerge Video/XVS] [Product Version: v1.9.9] [Views: 24]

This video introduces the new features of uMerge Video and XVS v1.9.9 released in February 2025. Features include a new video player that supports password protected videos.

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What's new in uStore v19

[Date: 18 Dec 2024] [Product(s): StoreFlow/uStore] [Product Version: v19.0 and later] [Views: 126]

This tutorial demonstrates the new features of uStore version 19 including updates to the new easy upload product type, new widget slots and uEdit NG beta working in single page mode.

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What's new in PersonalEffect v13.4 and v25.0

[Date: 15 Oct 2024] [Product(s): StoreFlow/uStore, TransMedia, uDirect/uCreate, Circle, Print VDP, uPlan, What's New?] [Product Version: v13.4 and later] [Views: 40]

Learn all about the new features introduced in PersonalEffect version 13.4 and 25.0, including new hot folder features, Adobe CC2025 support, new bleed and printer marks, Liquid Layout, and much more.

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What's new in Circle v9.7

[Date: 25 Sep 2024] [Product(s): TransMedia, Circle, What's New?] [Product Version: v9.7 and later] [Views: 37]

This video introduces the a new feature which enables editing of the plan logic in Circle v9.7 and later

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What's new in uStore v18

[Date: 16 Sep 2024] [Product(s): StoreFlow/uStore] [Product Version: v18 and later] [Views: 124]

This tutorial demonstrates the new features of uStore version 18 including the new easy upload product type, improved Gallery Image dial, new Address form fields, and much more.

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Cross Media Tutorial (Round World Travel)

[Date: 13 Aug 2024] [Product(s): TransMedia, uImage, Circle, uPlan] [Product Version: v13.2 and later] [Downloads: 44]

A step-by-step tutorial for creating a campaign with print, web, and email. Updated with new features in v13.2 PersonalEffect and XMPL Server v5.

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What's new in PersonalEffect v13.2

[Date: 25 Jun 2024] [Product(s): StoreFlow/uStore, TransMedia, uDirect/uCreate, Print VDP, What's New?] [Product Version: v13.2] [Views: 38]

Learn all about the new features introduced in PersonalEffect version 13.2, including new PDF security features, accessible language, LDAP authentication, and much more.

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