What's new in uStore v15.2?

[Date: 31 Jan 2023] [Product(s): StoreFlow/uStore, What's New?] [Product Version: v15.2 and later] [Views: 137]

This tutorial demonstrates the new uStore approval process introduced in version 15.2 where an external web hook can be used to determine the approval group for orders in the store front.

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XMPL V5 Syntax Converter

[Date: 04 Jan 2023] [Product(s): TransMedia, Circle] [Product Version: v3.5 and later] [Views: 94]

This video tutorial demonstrates the use of the XMPL V5 Syntax Converter Tool that can be used to update personalized web pages from XMPL V3 to XMPL V5.

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StoreFlow Tutorial (Piece of Cake)

[Date: 18 Nov 2022] [Product(s): StoreFlow/uStore] [Product Version: v15.1 and later] [Downloads: 237]

This XMPie StoreFlow Tutorial, is designed to introduce the main store workflows to help get new customers up and running quickly. The course covers: Creating new online stores, adding static and dynamic products to the stores, managing online orders, and generating reports.

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What's new in PersonalEffect v11.3 & v11.4?

[Date: 16 Sep 2022] [Product(s): StoreFlow/uStore, TransMedia, Print VDP, What's New?] [Product Version: v11.3] [Views: 177]

This tutorial video demonstrates new features introduced in PersonalEffect and uDirect versions 11.3 and 11.4. Features include a new "preflight" output type, an option to generate ADOR values as CSVX and revised uCreate Print user interface.

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What's new in uStore v15.1?

[Date: 13 Sep 2022] [Product(s): StoreFlow/uStore, What's New?] [Product Version: v15.1] [Views: 245]

This video introduces new features released in uStore v15.1.

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Personalized Maps

[Date: 30 Aug 2022] [Product(s): TransMedia, Circle, Print VDP] [Product Version: v12.1 and later] [Views: 152]

This tutorials looks at the options for creating personalized maps to use in your direct mail or cross media campaigns.

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What's new in Circle v9.3?

[Date: 19 Apr 2022] [Product(s): TransMedia, Circle, What's New?] [Product Version: v9.3] [Views: 166]

This video introduces new features introduced in Circle version 9.2 (February 2022) and 9.3 (May 2022). In 9.2, a feature to duplicate email touchpoints was added, and in 9.3, a new Consolidated Email report was added. These are key features for manual A/B testing and throttling which were commonly requested by customers. Also added in 9.3 was the Print touchpoint analytics report.

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