Reasons to consider PersonalEffect Print Pro
This tutorial demonstrates key benefits for uDirect customers in upgrading to PersonalEffect Print Pro.
Circle v4 - What's new?
This video introduces and new features of Circle v4
New XMPie Email Service Changes
In April 2017, XMPie revised the XMPie Email Service, and customers were progressively upgraded to the new service. This video announces important changes for customers to be aware of including new email sending limits, and the need to validate email sender addresses.
Creating the USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode
This tutorial demonstrates how to create the USPS Intelligent Mail barcode with uCreate Print / uDirect.
What's new in PersonalEffect v8
This is the first video in a series which demonstrates the new features and enhancements introduced in PersonalEffect v8.
Audience Panel
uCreate Print and uPlan version 7.5 introduce a new feature called Audiences. This feature helps you to define segments or groups of audiences and use the audience to set ADOR or Content Object values.
What's new in StoreFlow v8.2
This is the first video in a series which demonstrates the new features and enhancements introduced in StoreFlow v8.2.