What's new in Circle v8?
This video introduces new features of Circle v8 including new SMS messaging features.
What's new in uStore v13.1?
This video introduces the new features released in uStore version 13.1.
What's new in uStore v13?
This video introduces the new features introduced in uStore version 13.
What's new in PersonalEffect v9.8?
This video introduces new features released in version 9.8 of the PersonalEffect package that includes the uCreate Print, uPlan and uProduce products from XMPie.
What's new in Circle v7.2 and v7.4?
This video introduces new features of Circle in 2018 up up v7.2 and v7.4 including new Devices and Geolocation email reports.
What's new in uStore v11?
This video introduces the new "Kit" product type which is a new feature of uStore version 11.
What's new in uStore v10.1?
This video introduces the new features and enhancements of uStore version 10.1 released in June 2019.